Recent Results

Sat 2ndPinehurst
K.Moore / K.Bluett 62.5  R/U J.Dart / A.Daft 64
Thu 7thOpen Stroke
M.Costello 68 R/U L.Foster 70  Gross  M.Cross 76
Sat 9thGold medal play off Sponsored by Rexel
B.Plunkett 63 R/U A.Porter 67
Silver Medal
B.Plunkett 63 R/U E.Rolle 64 Gross L.Kelly 79

E.Rolle 64
Thu 14thOpen Stroke
T.Talbot 65 R/U  R.Dobbie 68
Sat 16thStableford
B.Wolfe 44 R/U  K.Bluett 40
Thu 21stOpen Stableford
A.Cox 40 R/U R.Knight 38
Sat 23rd2 Person Ambrose
L.Curtain/B.Wolfe 62 R/U R.Knight/L.Kelly 621/4 Gross D.Rainbird/M.Cross 69
Thu 28thOpen Stableford
R Grimsey 39 c/b B Wolfe
Fri 29thCoal River Classic Results
Sat 30th
Sun 31st
Thu 4thOpen Stableford
 L.Kelly 72 R/U  R.Grimsey 73
Sat 6thOpen Stableford
G Hunt 36  R/U R Mason 35 c/b
Thu 11thOpen Stroke
R.Mason 67  R/U T.Talbot 68 Gross  R.Knight 74
Sat 13thSilver Medal
D.Shepperd 68 R/U M.Brockman 69 Gross   L.Kelly 81
Thu 18thOpen Stableford
D.Richardson 35 c/b M.Cross
Sat 20th4BBB Draw for Partners
M.Brockman / R.Mace 48 R/U R.Reid / I.Wolfe 46
Thu 25thOpen Stableford
R.Knight 33 R/U S.Plummer 31
Sat 27thGordon French Shield (Sp G & D French)
R.Mace 68 R/U D/Shepperd 68 Gross J.Crocker84
Thu 4thOpen Stableford
 R.Grimsey R/U 67 D.Richardson 70 c/b
Sat 6thSilver Medal (Stroke)
I.Wolfe 66 R/U R.Grimsey 67 Gross R.McLean
Sun 7thWillows Tavern Open Ambrose
Thu 11thOpen Stroke
J.Rainbird 67,R/up John Geapen68.
Sat 13thRexel Open (Stroke) Brad Wolfe
J.Crocker 71c/b,R/up A.Wood 71
Sun14thPennant Week 4
Thu 18thOpen Stroke
K.Benson 37 pts c/b,R/up R.Grimsey 37 pts
Sat 20thOpen Stableford
Winner K.Moore 43 pts,R/up R. Dobbie 42 pts
Sun 21stPennant Week 5
Thu25thOpen Stableford
Winner R.Westury, 35 pts, R/up R. Mason 34 pts
Sat 27thPinehurst (Draw for partners)
Best S. Wolfe / R. Godfrey 63R/up Nett B.Fox / M.Brockman 65 ½
Sun 28thPennant Week 6
Thu 1stOpen Stroke
R. Grimsey 68, R/up S. Williams 71
Sat 3rdApril Silver Medal
J.Geeves 60,R/up K.Bluett 63
Thu8thOpen Stroke
Best Nett R.Smith 71,R/up R.Grimsey 71 c/b
Sat 10thStableford
B.Cowen 43 pts, R/up P.Rolle 36 pts
Thu 15thHole Open Stableford
C.Higson 31 pts,R/up J.Hickey 31 pts
Sat 17thStroke
Nett D. Richardson 71 c/b,R/up R. McLean
Thu22ndOpen Stableford
Sat24th3 Club Day
Best Nett P.Grice 69, R/up B.Fox 73 Best Gross M.Gridley 80
Thu 29thOpen Stroke
Best Nett D.Rainbird 69, R/up R.Westbury 70
Sat 1stStroke and Presidents Trophy Qualifying
Best Nett B.Plunkett,69,R/Up P.Grice 70
Thu 6thOpen Stroke
D.Punchon 67,R/up B.Read 71
Sat 8thStroke
Best Nett B.Plunkett 64,R/up J. Geeves69
Thu 13thOpen Stableford
K.Nutting 44 pts R/up R.Knight 37 pts c/b
Sat 15thStroke
Best Nett:A. Wood 68, R/up J.Burbury 69 c/b
Thu 20thOpen Stableford
Best Nett: D.Punchon 35 R/up: R.Dobby 34
Sat 22 nd Silver Medal
Best W.Patmore 68,R/up P.Grice 69,Gross M.Gridley 73
Veterans Medal W.Patmore 68
Thu 27 thThursday stroke
Nett R.Knight 70,R R/up R.Westbury 70
Sat 29th

Person Ambrose
Winners A.Porter / S.Apted / B.Wolfe 57
R/up T.Bearham / K.Benson / R.Harris 58
Gross S.Wolfe / B.Plunkett / B.Fox 65

Thu 3rdStroke
Best R .Westbury 68,R/up D.Richardson 69,Gross R.Knight 75
Sat 5thStroke
W.Patmore 68,R/up C.Higson Gross M.Gridley 71
Thu 10 thStroke
Washed out
Sat 12 thStableford
Best D.Petterd 35 pts, R/up M.Conlan 35 pts
Thu 17 thStableford
Best D.Wright 38 pts,R/up R.Westbury 36 pts
Sat 19thSilver Medal
Best P. Grice70,R/upR.Mclean 70,Gross M.Gridley 79
Veterans Medal R.Mclean
Thu 24thStableford
Best S.Williams 38 pts,R/up R.Westbury 37 pts
Sat 28 thSouth East Open
A Grade Gross M.Gridley 73, Nett M.Gridey 71 R/up
Nett R.Knight 2
B.Grade Gross S.Wolfe 78,Best Nett S.Wolfe 64 R/up
Nett P.McLeland
C.Grade Gross D.Wood T.T 90,Nett D.Wood 70 R/up
H.Wright 71
D.Grade Gross W.Patmore 107,Nett W.Patmore 68
R/up Nett J.Weedon 83
Sat 29th

Person Ambrose
Winners A.Porter / S.Apted / B.Wolfe 57
R/up T.Bearham / K.Benson / R.Harris 58
Gross S.Wolfe / B.Plunkett / B.Fox 65
Thu 1 stStroke
Best B.Fox 67,R/up M,Costello 71 Gross M.Cross
Sat 5thStroke
W.Patmore 68,R/up C.Higson Gross M.Gridley 71
Thu 10 thStroke
Washed out
Sat 12 thStableford
Best D.Petterd 35 pts, R/up M.Conlan 35 pts
Thu 17 thStableford
Best D.Wright 38 pts,R/up R.Westbury 36 pts
Sat 19thSilver Medal
Best P. Grice70,R/upR.Mclean 70,Gross M.Gridley 79
Veterans Medal R.Mclean
Thu 24thStableford
Best S.Williams 38 pts,R/up R.Westbury 37 pts
Sat 28 thSouth East Open
A Grade Gross M.Gridley 73, Nett M.Gridey 71 R/up
Nett R.Knight 2
B.Grade Gross S.Wolfe 78,Best Nett S.Wolfe 64 R/up
Nett P.McLeland
C.Grade Gross D.Wood T.T 90,Nett D.Wood 70 R/up
H.Wright 71
D.Grade Gross W.Patmore 107,Nett W.Patmore 68
R/up Nett J.Weedon 83
Thu 5 thStableford
Best Nett R.Mason 70,R/up M.Cross 71,Gross R.Knight 80
Sat 7 thFoursomes Championships Round 1
Div i Gross N.Gill / R.Mclean 84
Nett J.Crocker / P.Grice 73.5
Div 2 Gross R.Reid / A.Wood 97
Nett M.Brockman / J.Geeves 73
Thu 12 thStableford
Winner D.Rainbird 35 pts,R/up C.Higson 35 pts
Sat 14 thFoursomes Championships Final
Div i Gross R.Knight / L.Kelly 167 Champions
R/up T.Bearham / R.Mason 172
Nett N.Gill / R.Mclean 153
Div 2 Gross A.Wood / R.Reid 197
R/up D.Petterd / A.Lockley 204
Nett J.Geeves / M.Brockman 148
Thu 19thStroke
Winner R.Cowe 35 pts,R/up D.Punchon 35
Sat 21 stStableford
P.Rolle 42 pts,R/up R.Cowen 38 pts
Best S.Williams 38 pts,R/up R.Westbury 37 pts
Sat 28 thSilver Medal
J.Geeves 68,R/p P.Mclelland 68 Gross
P.Granquist 84 Vetrans R.Mclean 70
Thu 2 ndStroke
Nett N.Bleathman 66,R/up D.Kennedy 68.Gross
R.Knight 78
Sat 4thRexel 2 Person Ambrose
Nett R.Knight / R.Smith 63 1/4 c/b
R/Up D.Henley / K.Bluett 63 1/4
Gross B.Fox / S.Wolfe 72
Thu 9 th
Sat 11thJ.Burbury 4 BBB Stableford
1 M.Brockman / J.Geeves 47 pts
2 P.Graquist / G.Hunt 46 pts
3 L.Kelly / P.Grice 43 pts
4 R.Mclean / N.Gill 42 pts
Thu 16 thStableford
Sat 18 thSilver Medal
Winner P.Granquist 69,R/up J.Geeves 70
Gross D.Richardson 85
Veterans Medal P.Granquist 6*
Thu 23 rdStableford
Sat 25 thJ.Geeves 66,R/up S.Plunkett 74 Gross K.Bluett 87
Thu 30 thStroke
Best Nett R.Westbury 65,R/up D Wright 69
Gross D.Rainbird 81
Sat 2 ndClub Championships Round 1
A Grade Gross R.Knight 82 Nett P.Role 71
B.Grade Gross R.Mason 83 Nett S.Williams
C Grade Gross R.Reid 94 Nett L.Rolle 73
D.Grade J.Geeves 103, Nett Liam Rolle 82
Thu 7 thStroke
R.Smith 70,R/up G.Read 72, Gross R.Knight 81
Sat 9th Club Championships Round 2
A Grade Gross R.Knight 81Nett P.Granquist 73
B Grade GrossR.Mason 86 Nett D.Petterd 72
C.Grade Gross L.Rolle 90Nett C.Higson77
D.Grade Gross J.Geeves 104
Thu 14th Stableford
S.Bones 41 pts,R/up R.Mason 37 pts
Sat16 th Covid Cancelled
Thu 21 stStableford
J.Dick 39 ptsR/Up R.Cowen 36 pts
Sat 23 rd Club Championships Final Round
A.Grade &Club Champion R.Knight 252
R/p P.Rolle 254B Grade Gross
Gross R.Mason 258
R/up K.Bluett 271
C Grade gross L.Rolle 290
R/up A.Wood 294
D.Grade J.Geeves 309
R/up Liam Rolle 329
Thu 28th Stroke
Nett D.Rainbird 67,R/up B.Thain 69,GrossRKnight
Balls Down The LineS.Vinen,\ 70,D.Punchon 73,R.Grimsey R.Mason 76
Sat 30th
Silver Medal
J.Geeves 66,R/ R.Mclean 9,Gross .P.Granquist 85,
Veterans Medal R.Mclean69,Balls Down The Line:A.Goodwin 72,S.Tape P.Granquist,S.Williams 73,M.Brockman 74
Thu 4thStroke
Nett S.Williams 66,R/up D.Rainbird 68 Gross R.Knight 73,BallsDown The Line:G.Read 72,D.Richardson,S.Hutton 73,R.Westbury 74
Sat 6th Bar & Bistro Stroke
Best Nett D.Petterd 67 c/b R/up ,J.Geeves 67 Gross P.Rplle 84
Down The Line:P.Grice 71R.Smith,J.Dart,72,B.Grice 73A.Daft74,
Thu 11 th
R,Westbury 36 pts,R/up S.Hutton 34 pts c/bDown The Line:D.Richardson,24 pts,R.Knight 34pts
Sat 13 thSilver Medal
Winner G.Read 66R/up S.Wolfe 69,Gross B.Fox82 c/b pts
Veterans Medal G.Read 66 Down the LineC,Higson 70,K.Moore,M.Brockman,P.Granquist 71 J.Geeves73
Liam Rolle 73 c/b
Thu 18 thStableford
S.Williams 41 pts,R/up S.Hutton38 pts,Down The Line : D.Richardson 35 pts,R.Westbury,R.Knight 34 pts
Sat 20 th2 Person Ambrose
Winners L.Rolle / R.Reid / R.Godfrey 50.7 Pts
R/ups P.J.West / C.Higson 53 pts
Gross K.Moore / D.Wright 75 pts
Balls Down The Line:N.Gill / R.Mclean
G.Hunt / P.Granaquist
Thu 25 thStroke
R.Knight 70 c/b,S.Hutton 70,Gross M.Costello 81 Down The Line:D.Wright 70,D.Rainbird 71,R.Grimsey72,R.Mason,D.Richardson 74
Lefties V Righties
Over All Winner Lindsey Rolle 41 pts,
Righties Liam Rolle 67 ptsR.Mason 36 pts Lefties G.Hunt 34 pts.I.Wolfe 31 pts Down The Line: G.Read 6 pts,D.Petterd 35 ptsR.Mclean33 pts
Righties 185 pts ave 37 def Lefties 151 ave 30.2

Thu 2ndStroke
Nett R.Westbury,69 R/up R.Knight 70,Balls Down The Line:
D.Rainbird,C.Higson 70 R.Mason 71.
Sat 4thSummer Cup
Best Nett R.Mason 67, R/up R.McLean 70,Lin Rolle 71 B.Cowen 71,G.Daniels,R.Smith 72,K.Bluett 73
Thu 9 th
D.Richardson 35 pts,R/up D.Punchon33 pts,Down The Line: T.Bearham ,S.Williams 32 pts,R.Grimsey,R.Knight,L.kelly 31 pts
Sat 11 thSilver Medal
Winner R.Mclean 66 R/upS.Plunkett 66 Gross L.Kelly 82, pts
Veterans Medal R.Mclean 66 Down the Line L.Kelly 71,M.Brockman 72,P.Rolle 74,G.Read 74 S.Wolfe 75
Thu 16 thStableford
D.Richardson 39 pts,R.Knight 35 pts, Down The Line:C.Higson R.Grimsey,L.Kelly 34 pts,G.Read,D.Rainbird 33pts
Sat 18 th3 Person Ambrose
Winners R.Knight / D.Punchon / .R.Smith 56 5/6.,G.Hunt / D.Richardson / C.Higson 57 5/6,R.Baker / C.Baker / K.Moore 59 1/2,,J.Dart / A.Daft / A.Henderson 60 1/2

Thu 23 rd

Nett S.Bone 68,R/up S.Hutton 69,Gross R.Knight 82,Down The Line A.Goodwin,D.Rainbird 70,R.Grimsey 72,J.Rainbird,R.Westbury 73
Sat 25

Christmas Day

Thu 30 th

Nett R.Smith 67,R/up W.Grice 68,,Down The Line :P.Grice R.Knight 71,D.Rainbird 73

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